Sxreen Nation?

The idea of Sxreenz came in 2018 to its’ creator, Tom. The smoking industry was growing at a lightning-fast rate. The typical screen has been in production as long as we have been around. Screens are typically a woven mesh of brass, bronze or steel. The inherent problem is that there is no frame for the weave to stay together, thus during use the weave tends to fall apart and holes are created in the screen.

Toms’ design eliminates the weave completely, leaving you with a superior product that lasts much longer for the user. The Sxreenz are made from 300 series stainless steel. No oils or additives are used in the manufacturing process, thus making the product safe to use. We support the product and culture with apparel that supports the smoking culture with the new Sxreen Nation Ts, Hoodies and sweatshirts in custom colors and arrangements. Feel free to browse and enjoy our products.


Sxreenz is a Trademark product owned and manufactured by: Prospect Industries Inc. Prospect CT USA