Thomas Canfield Thomas Canfield

Smokers Minute:

It all begins with an idea.

What kind of enthusiast are you?

There are many types of smoke products, there are also many types of enthusiasts.

Five types of enthusiasts:

  1. The casual enthusiast: You partake if the opportunity arises. I.E. a friend has some and you take a turn.

  2. The Weekender: You go through the week and do not go near your recently purchased stash. But on the week ends, You do your thing and enjoy.

  3. The “Daily Grinder”: You partake of the wonderous plant on a daily basis, after work, before bed.

  4. The “Wake and Baker”: You typically start your day with a session. Maybe you sesh in the middle of the day if possible and of course in the evening.

  5. The “Connoisseur” This person knows the different varieties, brands and uses. You study the plant and possibly even grow your own.

    Which ever type you are, your are in the club. We are all

    Sxreen Nation Members

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